Thursday 10 April 2014

Time for a breather

When we arrived in Abuja, we were advised by a number of people that we might wish to consider taking a break every three months. I thought this seemed a bit over-the-top but, eleven weeks in, I’m really looking forward to getting away and recharging the batteries.

This past couple of weeks have been particularly difficult due to a combination of work commitments and social engagements, combined with trying to get the house straight now that our heavy baggage has arrived. But most of all, the fact that the internet has been so temperamental has had me on the verge of tears several times. There have been days when I've been unable to connect at all, and others when one bar of hope appears on my wifi screen, but the connection then proves so slow that it keeps timing out. Communication is tricky here at the best of times - we have no landline, the Nigerian postal service is non-existent and phoning from our mobile phones is incredibly expensive - so when the internet goes down too, and we can't Skype/email either, I end up feeling incredibly isolated.

So we’re off to Ghana, with a few African novels and a big bottle of suncream, for a week’s R&R on the beach. I can't wait to return with the batteries topped up.

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